Wednesday, August 27, 2008


[ed: Pictures are sort of working now, this is a re-post.]
This is the school building where I've been teaching a group of 8th Graders in Math and English. It's located in Khayelitsha, South Africa. The kids who attend are all native speakers of Xhosa.

I'm working with SHAWCO, through the University of Cape Town. It's a student-run organization for volunteering.

These are a few of the students. You guys will recognize yourselves - leave a comment.


Anonymous said...

the students look happy. I can only imagine they have a teachable spirit and will make their world better. teachers don't always know the impact they may have on a student with a kind word,leadership and hope. teaching is doing good without always knowing what will come.

keep it up

Anonymous said...

I agree with previous comment. Providing hope as well as knowledge is a powerful force and you should be commended for your efforts.

Ma Kettle

Dodge Pick-Up Turbocharger said...

You have really done a great work to share the hidden art of the great man. It is really a nice work by them. Thanks a lot for this